Explore the World
Inspirational & Educational Talks from around the world
Hannah Escott’s Travel Talks have inspired many a classroom. Her inspirational presentations vary from Special Engagement days, games and dance to Curriculum based case studies. She is also an advocate for Travel for Higher Eduction and encourages children to aim high, take on challenges, and rely on ability not on heritage.
Hannah has taught in schools in India, China, Cambodia, Brazil, Ghana, Malawi and Zambia.
She has lived with families and teachers in mud huts, huge skyscrapers, self-built housing and favelas.
She has 100s of stories to share about how children from around the world live, work and play!
Special Engagement Days
Pupils are invited to a special “Explore the World” assembly to hear Hannah’s stories from her adventures from around the world. Dispelling the myths, raising awareness of other cultures and countries, and getting our children one step ahead by learning how others live, work and play as they launch into a multicultural future!
How do children in Zambia go to school?
What’s life like for rural children in Malawi?
What are homes like in Brazilian Favelas?
How much work do Chinese children really do?
What’s life like for children in India’s slums?
Throughout the day they can learn children’s games, dances and crafts. From Indian Kabbadi, to Ghanian Azonto to flying a hand-made kite, playing football with street rubbish and so much more! We bring worldwide experiences to your children.

Curriculum Case Studies
Hannah has first-hand experience of curriculum case studies that pupils have been reading about for decades. She now provides presentations and classes on what the textbooks are missing, bringing meaning to the photographs, through the people she has met. Explore the World locations include:
Rocinha Favela, Rio de Janerio
Amazon Rainforest, Brazil
Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Grand Canyon, Arizona
Taj Mahal, India
Dharavi Slum, Mumbai
Three Gorges Dam, China
Great Wall, China
Victoria Falls, Zambia/Zimbabwe
Chobe Safari, Botswana
Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa
and many more!
Other stories come from:
working as a cowgirl in Canada, USA and Australia
scuba diving, sailing and surfing our great seas and oceans
living and working with a family in rural Malawi (one of the poorest countries in the World)
living with the San People in Botswana
sleeping in a hammock strung up in the Amazon Rainforest for a week
The little girl from Kidderminster has solo backpacked over 40 different countries! Living and working in places, and with people, that no tour book could explain!
Explore the World with Open Trail

Travel for Higher Education
Hannah is also a great ambassador for higher education, taking on challenges and making the most of opportunities! Relying on ability not on heritage.
She grew up as a Pupil Premium child in Kidderminster. She never expected to go to university but was the first in her family to do so. She headed to the University of Dundee in Scotland, and graduated with a 1st class Masters in Geography and Psychology.
This is where her travelling adventures began. She was one of just two UK students to be awarded a Fulbright Scholarship for Outstanding European Students, to study at the University of Minnesota, focusing on Climate Change and Sustainability.
A second scholarship took her to Australian National University in Canberra where she focused on Aboriginal Water Management. She went on to publish her undergraduate paper here.
Her experiences have put her at the front of UK and US Embassies all over the world and the House of Lords, London.
Public Speaking
Through our “explore the world” presentations, we bring tales of the world into your school through classroom or assembly to inspire and educate.
We encourage young people to strive for more, pursue hobbies and talents and not give up.
How does it fit with Ofsted?
From 2019 your school can now be recognised for how it celebrates people from a wide range of backgrounds (religious, ethinc and socioeconomic) and how other cultures are celebrated at your school.
The October 2018 report on ‘Obesity, healthy eating and physical activity in primary school’ concludes that schools should focus on improving the things they are best placed to do, such as:
- providing ample opportunity for children to take physical exercise during the school day – with lots of opportunities to ‘get out of breath’
Integrate us into your outcomes to play cultural sports, activities, dance and crafts from all corners of the globe
How does it fit with Ofsted?
From 2019 your school can now be recognised for how it celebrates people from a wide range of backgrounds (religious, ethinc and socioeconomic) and how other cultures are celebrated at your school.
The October 2018 report on ‘Obesity, healthy eating and physical activity in primary school’ concludes that schools should focus on improving the things they are best placed to do, such as:
- providing ample opportunity for children to take physical exercise during the school day – with lots of opportunities to ‘get out of breath’
Integrate us into your outcomes to play cultural sports, activities, dance and crafts from all corners of the globe