Burlish Bike Park
In September 2020 we were offered the opportunity to take on a 16 acre woodland in Stourport, aka Burlish Dirtjumps. We said yes!
We are currently working to protect Burlish Dirtjumps from demolition and to transform it into a community bike park facility. This is our journey so far…
Site History
Burlish Woodland has been the home of Burlish Dirt Jumps for over 30 years, however it stands to be bulldozed! The hard-packed sandy jumps are the hard work of generations of local teens who have dragged their bikes, spades and wheelbarrows to the site to build the next new challenge for their group of friends. Picture the freedom of long summer holidays, hanging out in the woods with your bike and your mates. Idealic, and yes many local kids opt for this over their Xbox throughout the year. Generations have dug, grown up, moved on and the next generation have continued the Burlish dirt jump scene with their bikes, spades, wheelbarrows, and buddies…

Site Plan
Our vision is to transform the 16-acre woodland into a cycling facility encompassing:
Beginner, intermediate and expert jump lines
Mountain bike skills area
Dual slalom race track
A flow trail for disability adapted bikes.
A club house/snack bar and toilets
An inclusive off-road cycling club
A volunteer program for all; both cyclists and non-cyclists
Specialist coaching for disabled groups/educational needs and disaffected youth
Journey so far and press articles
September 2020: initial site visit with the landowner
October 2020: initial funding applications started (British Cycling/Sports England Places to Ride fund)
December 2020: phase 2 of Places to Ride fund and public consultation started
February 2021:
- Crowdfunder set-up to support Places to Ride fund and park development plans
- Pre-planning application submitted
- Places to Ride fund application submitted
March 2021: Places to Ride approved! £110,000
April 2021: Activate Your Space fund approved! £10,000
May 2021: pre-planning application and funding work continues
June 2021:
- Crowdfunder closes at £22,270 (plus £10k from Activate Your Space) THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
- Preplanning application approved with positive feedback
July 2021: Ecologists begin ecological surveys of site
In print: https://singletrackworld.com/download/singletrack-magazine-issue-137-pdf-2/
September 2021: Arboriculturist (tree specialist) begins surveying site
November 2021: Ecology surveys for 2021 completed.
December 2021: Topography survey completed.
May 2022: ecology survey completed
May-July finalising documents and plans for planning permission submission
Our current phase of development takes time. It is very important to us that we get the ecology and biodiversity surveys of the site done to a very high standard, not only for planning permission but the long-term well-being of the site. We want to work in partnership with the beautiful landscape and woodland we have and add value to it, not take it away.
August: PLANNING APPLICATION SUBMITTED, comments available to make here:
Our planning reference number is 22/0656/FUL
Through the above link you will be able to see our plans for the trails, facilities, car park and for our woodland management.
IN THE PRESS: https://www.kidderminstershuttle.co.uk/news/20737285.bid-create-new-burlish-bike-park-stourport/
January 2023: awaiting final planning permission approvals
February 2023: planning permission approved
March 2023: all other necessary permissions/permits approved and precommencement meetings
April 2023: trail builders begin to prepare the woodland, and actually build the trails! Electricity connection installed. THE WOODLAND IS A CONSTRUCTION SITE, ENTRY IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED!
May 2023: trail building work is ongoing.
OUR CROWDFUNDER!:we need a little extra help bringing Burlish Bike Park to life, for more info please visit https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/burlishbp
Wide Open Magazine article: https://www.wideopenmountainbike.com/2023/05/we-chat-to-hannah-escott-about-burlish-bike-parks-progress
June 2023:
- Car park build
- Junction build
- Toilet block build
- Cafe build
- Snagging
July 2023: SITE OPEN!!!! www.burlishbikepark.com for more info!
Questions about visible site changes…
“Why do some trees have white paint on them?” This is from the topography survey to ensure topographers did not count the same tree twice. The paint has nothing to do with tree health or tree removal.
“Why do some trees have black plastic boxes hanging on them?” This is to do with our extensive ecology surveys, please leave them alone to ensure we get the most accurate results.
Please bear in mind the site is private land and anyone on the site is technically trespassing.

Community Support
To date over 200 people have supported the Burlish Bike Park Project by either donating their hard-earned cash to our crowdfunder, or by offering their time, knowledge, and expertise. This support is fundamental to this project and Burlish Bike Park cannot exist without it. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us so far.
In under 12 months we have…
- Secured over £140,000 in funding
- A planning advisory team (voluntary)
- A construction advisory team (some voluntary)
- A finance/business management advisory team (voluntary)
- Preplanning permission approval
- Ecologist and arboriculturists on site to support full planning permission requirements and long-term woodland management goals

Want to help?
We can always use more help! Please complete the form below (or email hannah@opentrail.co.uk) if you would like to register as a volunteer or offer any special skills such as technical drawings, construction, planning, woodland management.
As well as the individuals who have supported our project we would like to give a big thanks to our corporate donators (for both financial and in-kind contributions):
Our corporate sponsors are:
Define Planning and Design
Intelect Electrical Contractors Ltd
GBP Partnerships
Community Housing Group
WFO Services
Overspoke Bikes
Quantum Mouldings LTD
Cook’s Garden Centre
Victoria Carpets
Taylor Wimpey
Stourport Specialist Cycles
Sunnybrook Project Services
Dale Parmenter (DRPG)